German DX Foundation - GDXF
Membership Fees

Information on GDXF Membership Fees

The annual GDXF membership fee is 30 Euro. We would like to ask you to regularly transfer your membership fee onto the GDXF bank account at the beginning of a new year.

Payment recipient: GDXF
IBAN: DE27 6609 0800 0004 2850 18
Bank: Badische Beamtenbank Karlsruhe
Account: 428 50 18
Bank code: 660 908 00
Note to payee: GDXF Membership Fee <your call sign>

The BIC is necessary if you transfer money from a country outside of Germany but within the European Union.

SEPA Direct Debit

We offer our members within the European Union to make use of the free SEPA direct debit service to pay your annual membership fee. Please use this downloadable PDF form that we have prepared for this purpose. The procedure is almost self-explanatory when filling out the from. It is very important to print out this form, to sign it and to mail it to Markus Zappe, DL1AN. A form that has been scanned and sent per e-mail is not valid due to the lack of a qualified original signature.

The SEPA direct debit service is supported only within the 27 EU countries and the 5 EWR countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Monaco). This direct debit service is at no charge and can be cancelled at any time. This service is not available outside of these 32 countries.


PayPal Logo

The following PayPal account can be used as well for membership fees and QSL Service payments:

PayPal Recipient:

Please indicate in the comment whether it is a membership fee or a QSL Service payment.