German DX Foundation - GDXF
Information about the GDXF QSL Service

Information about the GDXF QSL Service

A very special service of the GDXF is our paperless QSL Service. Paperless because the participants in this service no longer need to send their own QSL card but can enter their QSO data via an online entry form. A complete list of all QSOs of all participants is sent to the QSL manager of the DXpedition, who checks the data against his log, all QSL cards for the GDXF members are printed and sent back in a package to the GDXF.

The sorted and formatted data files guarantee fast and secure processing by foreign QSL managers and are often preferred. It often happens that the participants of our QSL Service receive the desired QSL cards with a higher priority.

In Germany, the cards are placed in appropriately labeled envelopes and sent to the participants of the QSL Service in Germany and the surrounding states. Twelve normal letters up to 20g require only the cost price of 10 euros. QSL Service agreements are targeted with GDXF-supported DXpeditions whose QSL managers are overseas or in countries with uncertain postal operations. The financial savings compared to own shipping with the usual supplements and the return postage can easily exceed the actual membership fee in one year.

Online procedure

Since 2007, the GDXF QSL Service can only be accessed online on our GDXF homepage. An advantage of the online procedure is that each participant of the QSL Service can supplement or change their data at any time before the end of the submission deadline.

"PIN" Code

In order to use the QSL Service and for data security reasons, each user must request a unique, so-called PIN, which is sent to you by e-mail. The PIN is a kind of password to protect your own data. You only have to enter your call sign in the online entry and check the box "Please send PIN by e-mail ". This assumes that we have a valid up-to-date e-mail address from you. Your current postal address will be displayed after logging in. If we have no or an outdated postal or e-mail address from you, please send a short informal e-mail to our membership representative Stefan, DL6GV:

Continue to the online entry form


The cost price for the postage costs of the QSL cards of the QSL Service are not part of the annual membership fees. They have to be transferred separately either via SEPA payment or via PayPal. All information can be found in your QSL Service account balance query, which can be requested here at any time.

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