German DX Foundation - GDXF
DXpedition Support Application

DXpedition Support Application

If you are seeking for financial support of your upcoming DXpedition please fill the DXpedition Support Application Form below and finally click on the 'Submit Application' button at the bottom. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Make sure that you read and understand the GDXF conditions of support for DXpeditions before you apply for support

The GDXF does not support any holiday-style DX activities.

Your application will be reviewed by the GDXF Advisory Board. We usually will acknowledge the application within a week or two. Please send the application at least six weeks before the DXpedition begins.

Application Form

Call sign of the DXpedition: *
Any other call signs:  
DXpedition destination(s): *
IOTA Reference:   -

First day of operation: *
Last day of operation: *
Which bands will you be operating: *
Which modes will you be operating: *

Have all operating permissions been granted: *
How many operators will you have: *
Please provide a short info about your team members: *
Please explain what equipment you will be using (transceivers,
amplifiers, antennas):
Please give us an overview of your planned budget for radio-specific expenses: *
Do you have a DXpedition website:  

Your call sign: *
Your e-mail address: *
Your name: *
Your address and country: *

Call sign of your QSL Manager: *
Name of your QSL Manager: *
E-mail address of your QSL-Manager: *

Your bank account information. We will use this information to transfer the DXpedition donation onto your account.

Account holder:  
Name of your bank:  
IBAN for European applicants:  
BIC/SWIFT for European applicants:  
PayPal account for none-EU applicants (if you have one):  

Do you want to place the GDXF logo on your QSL cards and on your DXpedition website? *
Can you provide an article for our GDXF web page after the DXpedition? *
Can you provide a team photo with the GDXF flag? *
Will you accept the GDXF QSL-Service for GDXF members? *
Will you provide a daily updated online log, e.g. Club Log? *
Will you upload your log to LoTW: *
Will you offer bureau QSLs? *
Can you provide QSO statistics with DL (German) QSOs after the DXpedition? *
When may we announce your DXpedition our members?  

Any additional comments:  

The applicant is obliged to refund the paid-off financial help back to the GDXF if the DXpedition has to be cancelled.

The GDXF will only support DX activities if their organizers are willing to reproduce our logo on their QSL cards and in the Internet.

A general or partial answer with 'no' of the questions above can result in a reduction in the funding amount.

In exceptional cases it will be sufficient to mention the grant in another suitable form which must be approved by the GDXF Secretary.
