German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Most QSOs Single Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed


DX is

Jari Jussila, OH2BU, had kept and maintained records of DXpeditions making at least 30,000 QSOs and published his list, then containing some 40 DXpeditions, in the late 1990s. Requests to provide additional or corrected information helped to refine the list, which evolved into the Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll. The Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll was put into a database, further maintained by Bernd, DF3CB, in the past years and is now hosted on the website of the German DX Foundation (GDXF).

The regularly updated Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll on these pages now contain much more information than just the call sign and total number of QSOs. We show statistics on various categories, top lists etc. - each providing a link to details of the DXpedition, the list of operators and the QSL card image.

If you have any comments or corrections and additions to the list, please e-mail Bernd at: . We need some particular information, please check our Needed page.

Charts and World Records

The complete list of DXpeditions is shown in the Honor Roll - sorted by the number of achieved QSOs - and by year of activity, by Prefix, by DXCC Entities or by Continent - and we have a list of Single-Operator DXpeditions with more than 30,000 QSOs. The World Records page shows the leading DXpeditions in the categories of the highest number of total QSOs, QSOs per mode and band and per continent.

The Top Twenty DXpeditions having achieved the highest number of QSOs on each of the bands 160m through 6m are shown on the Bands page and the highest number on each CW, Phone and Digital on the Modes page. The band and mode charts are based on the band/mode breakdowns of a DXpedition (as long as we have them available).

And we have a list of the most active Operators having taken part in DXpeditions with over 30,000 QSOs.

Other charts


  • There are currently 415 DXpeditions with more than 30,000 QSOs listed in the Honor Roll from 173 different DXCC Entities and 32 CQ Zones.
  • The latest ten Mega DXpeditions added to the Honor Roll are: 5U5K FT4GL 3D2CCC A52P, A52CI 3G0YA TT8RR, TT8XX, TT8TT TX7W A8OK 7P8EI T32EU.
  • All these DXpeditions made a total of 24.9 million QSOs.
  • 45.4 % of the QSOs were made in CW, 31.9 % in Phone and 22.7 % Digital (RTTY, FT8, PSK).
  • Most of the Mega DXpeditions took place in Africa (150) and the Pacific (119).
  • The average DXpedition length of operation is 13 days, the average number of operators is 10.
  • Altogether 4123 but 1791 individual operators were participants in these DXpeditions.