German DX Foundation - GDXF


The GDXF supports DXpeditions - support the GDXF!

German version   German flag

The German DX Foundation (GDXF), founded in 1996, was established to support HF DX activities - on all bands or modes - to rare countries all over the world. This support is realized through financial or personal, instrumental and logistical assistance. We offer our members a wide variety of informations and services, for example the GDXF QSL Service.

Why are there DX Foundations? What are the guiding principles of the German DX Foundation? How is the GDXF organized? Why is it worth to join the GDXF? What can the GDXF provide me with services and information? Read more and find out...

Latest News

Annual general meeting of the GDXF 2024

This year's general meeting of the GDXF will take place again at the HAM Radio Friedrichshafen 2024 on Saturday, June 29th 2024 in Hall A2 Room 1 beginning at 11:30. Please find the invitation here (sorry, available only in German language).

GDXF Trophy Best DXpedition of the year 2023

The election for the Trophy Best DXPedition 2023 took place this year from April 1st to April 30th, 2024.

Most Wanted in DL

The list of the most wanted DXCC entities in DL was continued this year with the results of the annual DARC DXCC scoreboard 2023. As in the last year we are using a different evaluation method in order to achieve a more realistic ranking of the most wanted areas from a German or Central European point of view.

Most Wanted Islands On The Air (IOTA)

With the permission of IOTA Ltd. we now publish the List of the most wanted Island Groups (IOTA) on the GDXF webpage.

Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll

By far the most visited page of the GDXF is the Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll: After two years of Covid19-related world-wide travel restrictions more and more DXpeditons take place again. It were 18 Mega DXpeditions in 2022 with at least 30,000 QSOs and altogether almost 1.2 million QSOs. The continent of Africa has the largest number of Mega DXpeditions. We have seen a very strong increase in digital QSOs compared to CW and SSB since the introduction of FT8 (Fox/Hound and MSHV).

May 8th, 2022 Franz DJ9ZB SK

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that our honorary president Franz, DJ9ZB, became a silent key yesterday. Franz turned 80 in January. He has participated in many well-known DXpeditions. Thanks for all the years with you!

DXPedition Reports

Please check out our DXPedition Reports page occasionally. New reports are occasionally added.

GDXF Web Shop

We now offer t-shirts, hoodies, mugs and other items with the GDXF logo in our GDXF web shop. Just come over some time: GDXF Web Shop

DXpedition Team Photos

8R7X Guyana (DJ4MX, M0SDV, DK6SP, HA8RT) February 2024
T32EU Kiritimati OC-024 by German Team, March 2024
Wallis & Futuna FW8GC and TX8GC by LZ1GC & LZ5QZ, February 2024
Yuris, YL2GM as ZD9W. Yuris had six DXpeditions in 2023/2024:
7P8WW, twice VU7W, ZD9W, VK9XY and VK9CY.
AU2RS Nachugunta Island, AS-199, February 2024
TX5S Clipperton Island January 2024
E6AM Niue by LZ1GC and LZ1ON October 2023
T2C Tuvalu by DL7VEE & Team Oct 2023
W8S Swains Isl. by multi-national team Oct 2023
5X3K Uganda by Czech DXpedition Team Sept. 2023
MM0UKI Isle of Rockall EU-189 2023 with Emil, DL8JJ
3B7M Team on Saint Brandon 2023
3Y0J Team on Bouvet February 2023
TN8K Congo January 2023



QSL Service

Status QSL Service for Note from to Deadline
ongoing FT4GL   Glorioso Isl. by Marek, FH4VVK   24.05.2024   19.06.2024   07.07.2024
ongoing 5U5K   Niger by Elvira, IV3FSG   07.06.2024   23.06.2024   07.07.2024
ongoing VK9LA   Lord Howe Isl. by Yuris, YL2GM & XYL Zigrida, ES6ZIG   14.06.2024   24.06.2024   07.07.2024
ongoing K8K   Am. Samoa by Yuris, YL2GM & XYL Zigrida, ES6ZIG   26.06.2024   09.07.2024   21.07.2024
planned N5J   Jarvis Isl. by International Team   05.08.2024   20.08.2024   01.09.2024
planned CY9C   Saint Paul Isl. by US-Team   26.08.2024   05.09.2024   22.09.2024
planned FO/G0VDE   Mangareva Isl. by G0VDE before and after VP6WR   03.09.2024   21.09.2024   06.10.2024
planned VP6WR   Pitcairn Isl. by G0VDE   05.09.2024   15.09.2024   29.09.2024
planned 6O3T   Somaliland by Italian Team   15.09.2024   30.09.2024   13.10.2024

Waiting for QSL cards delivery:

QSL Service for Note from to
TX7W Austral Isl. by K5WE & W5CCP 16.04.2024 30.04.2024

Member Affairs

DXpedition Support
