German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Mega DXpedition operators vs. country of origin

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Most QSOs Single Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

Altogether 4105 but 1784 individual operators from 99 different countries have taken part in 415 Mega DXpeditions.

Note: We count only the local operators but not the remote operators in case of RIB (Rig In a Box) operations such as VP6A Ducie Island.

The following countries have sent the most operators:

All operators vs. countries
Prefix Country OPs
K United States of America 794
DL Federal Republic of Germany 605
I Italy 354
F France 309
G England 137
SP Poland 135
JA Japan 121
UA * Russia 115
VU ** India 107
EA Spain 95
ON Belgium 93
OH Finland 85
PA Netherlands 80
OK Czech Republic 77
VE Canada 73
YU Serbia 71
EI Ireland 70
EU Belarus 55
Individual operators vs. countries
Prefix Country OPs
K United States of America 340
DL Federal Republic of Germany 180
F France 100
I Italy 89
VU ** India 74
UA * Russia 72
JA Japan 65
G England 60
PA Netherlands 43
OH Finland 42
SP Poland 41
VE Canada 41
YU Serbia 40
EA Spain 37
ON Belgium 34
UR Ukraine 32
VK Australia 31
HK Colombia 24
By continents
Continent OPs
EU 2619
NA 913
AS 338
OC 104
SA 99
AF 32

* UA, UA2 and UA9/0 are summarized as Russia.

** India might look astounding in this list but it includes for example the Andaman Island Hamfest in VU4 (2006) with a high number of VU participants.

The number of Mega DXpeditions grouped by country of origin of the operators:

Prefix Country OPs
K United States of America 154
DL Federal Republic of Germany 136
I Italy 85
F France 68
JA Japan 66
SP Poland 58
UA European Russia 41
PA Netherlands 39
G England 37
ON Belgium 37
VE Canada 36
EA Spain 27
HB Switzerland 25
OH Finland 25
OK Czech Republic 22

Note: Be careful with these figures because most DXpeditions are multinational. In the list above 154 DXpeditions have had for example US members but mostly also members from other countries.