German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Single Operator Mega DXpeditions

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Most QSOs Single Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

This list shows the single operators having achieved more than 30,000 QSOs during a DXpedition. We keep only track of real single op DXpeditions but not of those who have been for example on a longer job assignment in a rare country. We also do not list the most travelled DXers who have been on two dozen or more DXpeditions, for example G3TXF, G3SXW, DJ6SI, DK7PE, UA4WHX.

Jukka Heikinheimo, OH2BR, logged most contacts made during a single-operator DXpedition as VP6BR on Pitcairn in 2000. This has been recognized as a Guinness world record.

Callsign DXCC Entity Operator Year Days QSOs QSOs/Day
ZD9W Tristan da Cunha & Gough Islands YL2GM 2023 23 70,112 3,048
FT4GL Glorioso Island FH4VVK 2024 25 61,013 2,441
VK9NK Norfolk Island SP9FIH 2020 174 57,802 332
VP6BR Pitcairn Island OH2BR 2000 88 56,242 639
FT8WW Crozet Island F6CUK 2022 81 50,823 627
ZD7Z Saint Helena IV3FSG 2024 18 47,638 2,647
VU7A Lakshadweep Islands W4VKU 2023 8 41,602 5,200
7O73T Yemen RA9USU 2023 17 41,304 2,430
5U5K Niger IV3FSG 2024 15 41,186 2,746
3D2CR (2021) (***) Conway Reef 3Z9DX 2021 8 40,905 5,113
9L1AB Sierra Leone G3AB 2002 36 40,362 1,121
VU7W Lakshadweep Islands YL2GM 2023 13 40,110 3,085
HC8MD, HC8VHF Galapagos Islands NE8Z 1981 31 35,000 1,129
ZK2V Niue ZL1CT 2011 59 34,199 580
VU4W Andaman & Nicobar Islands YL2GM 2022 13 33,577 2,583

*** Above-average percentage of duplicate QSOs