German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Mega DXpedition Operators

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

SP3CYY has taken part in these 15 Mega DXpeditions:

Callsign(s) DXCC Entity Year Days OPs QSOs Uniques
VU4AN/* Andaman & Nicobar Islands 2006 9 69 86,000 n/a
VU7RG, VU7MY Lakshadweep Islands 2007 15 35 110,130 25,204
3XY1D Guinea 2011 13 6 53,933 19,584
A35YZ Tonga 2012 15 9 41,175 15,486
5T0SP Mauritania 2012 16 7 83,585 25,716
H44G Solomon Islands 2013 16 9 30,254 11,500
J88HL Saint Vincent 2013 16 7 78,257 26,915
4S7DFG, 4S7FRG, 4S7LXG Sri Lanka 2014 11 10 34,573 12,490
VK9XSP Christmas Island 2014 13 8 52,257 17,444
S79SP Seychelles Islands 2015 15 6 45,352 13,868
5J0P San Andres Island 2016 14 9 61,872 20,771
TO2SP Saint Barthélemy 2017 14 6 63,030 22,804
8P9AE Barbados 2018 13 7 37,461 15,659
C5DL The Gambia 2019 13 6 32,759 12,676
TO80SP Saint Pierre & Miquelon 2019 10 6 34,835 14,654
Total Days of Operating 203   845,473 Total QSOs
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