German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Above-average percentage of duplicate QSOs

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Most QSOs Single Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

Since January 2024 the percentages of duplicate QSOs of DXpedition logs are listed on Club Log. Just one example for such a case for a Japanese station:

Club Log Sample

The most likely reason for this is that the calling station has not received a RR73 confirmation in FT8 and continues to call, but the DX station repeatedly logs each call. This might be a problem of the WSJT-X software in Fox-/Hound-Mode but multiple contacts in a twenty-minute window should be deleted, which is not the case for example with the log above.

All DXpeditions listed here on the Mega DXpeditions have dupes in their logs, typically between 2% and 8%. All we want is a fair competition amongst all (Mega) DXpeditions. That's why we decided to mark all Mega DXpeditions having a duplicate percentage of over 20% and are issuing a warning in the lists.

The total number of QSOs is calculated at a duplicate rate of 10% and shown in our lists (net number of QSOs plus 10%):

Callsign(s) DXCC Entity Year Original QSOs Reduced QSOs Duplicate rate
T32TT Eastern Kiribati 2023 209,114 188,203 56.8 %
3D2CR (2021) Conway Reef 2021 45,450 40,905 45.8 %
T33T Banaba Island 2022 97,193 87,474 43.5 %
T22T Tuvalu 2023 102,448 92,203 42.6 %
3D2RRR Rotuma 2022 64,206 57,785 40.9 %
T30UN Western Kiribati 2023 123,597 111,237 40.7 %
T31TT Central Kiribati 2023 83,095 74,786 37.2 %
CB0ZA, ZEW, ZW Juan Fernandez Islands 2024 104,342 93,908 28.0 %
TY5C Benin 2024 45,927 41,334 24.9 %
3B7M Agalega & St. Brandon Islands 2023 128,254 115,429 22.4 %
TO8FH Mayotte 2023 84,036 75,632 22.3 %