German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

7Q7RU - Malawi - 2020

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Most QSOs Single Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

QSL 7Q7RU Previous DXpedition: Z66DX Next DXpedition: A25RU

Operation: November 10, 2020 21:20 UTC - December 17, 2020 21:51 UTC, 37 days (889 hours total)
Comments: Main activity between 2020-11-20 and 2020-11-24 with 41,875 QSOs and 2,974 QSOs/day. Trip had to be extended by two team members due to corona circumstances.
Operators: EW7L R7AL R9LR RA1ZZ RZ3K
Total QSOs Uniques Uniques % QSOs/day QSOs/hour
47,080 14,461 30.7 % 1,272 53
per Band:
160m 80m 60m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m SAT
2,016 1,108 436 5,797 4,123 7,690 6,121 12,265 3,795 3,056 640
per Mode:
CW Phone Digital
19,896 5,045 22,136